by performingarts | Feb 21, 2023 | Uncategorized
A study, conducted for Citizens for a New PAC by theatre consultants Schick Shiner & Associates, has determined that a modern and versatile 1,600-seat performing arts space in the heart of Kelowna’s cultural district is a crucial element in meeting the Okanagan’s...
by performingarts | Oct 2, 2022 | In the News, Uncategorized
CONSIDERING THE UPCOMING ELECTIONS Kelowna Citizens for a New Performing Arts Centre Director, Carol Colpitts, recently submitted this letter to the editors of our local media outlets. Please take a moment to read it. As we head to the municipal election polls on...
by performingarts | Sep 17, 2022 | Events, In the News, Uncategorized
KCR: Okanagan Volunteer Fair celebrates 25 years Contributed by the KCR Community Resource On September 17 the Okanagan Volunteer Fair Celebrates its 25th Silver Anniversary at Parkinson Recreation with a stellar turnout of over 70 organizations, including one...
by performingarts | Sep 6, 2022 | Events, Uncategorized, Volunteer
CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS! Want to be more involved in the local Arts community? Kelowna Citizens for a New Performing Arts Centre can use your help! Show your support by volunteering with our organization and lending your talent and expertise to one of our committees....
by performingarts | Mar 20, 2022 | Uncategorized
We’ve seen some changes to our focus recently at the Citizens for a New Performing Arts Centre. We recognize that a dream this innovative and impactful needs a swell of community support, and we want to invite everyone to be a part of that. How fortunate that we...