Performing Arts Centre Capacity Report

Performing Arts Centre Capacity Report

A study, conducted for Citizens for a New PAC by theatre consultants Schick Shiner & Associates, has determined that a modern and versatile 1,600-seat performing arts space in the heart of Kelowna’s cultural district is a crucial element in meeting the Okanagan’s...
2022 Kelowna Elections

2022 Kelowna Elections

CONSIDERING THE UPCOMING ELECTIONS Kelowna Citizens for a New Performing Arts Centre Director, Carol Colpitts, recently submitted this letter to the editors of our local media outlets. Please take a moment to read it. As we head to the municipal election polls on...
Founding President

Founding President

KCR: Okanagan Volunteer Fair celebrates 25 years Contributed by the KCR Community Resource   On September 17 the Okanagan Volunteer Fair Celebrates its 25th Silver Anniversary at Parkinson Recreation with a stellar turnout of over 70 organizations, including one...


CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS! Want to be more involved in the local Arts community? Kelowna Citizens for a New Performing Arts Centre can use your help! Show your support by volunteering with our organization and lending your talent and expertise to one of our committees....
Anna Jacyszn

Anna Jacyszn

We’ve seen some changes to our focus recently at the Citizens for a New Performing Arts Centre. We recognize that a dream this innovative and impactful needs a swell of community support, and we want to invite everyone to be a part of that. How fortunate that we...